Northampton’s finest export and the filthiest foursome in rock, The Big Dirty release their new single, Under The Crimson Moon on Friday, 30th April 2021. This swaggering new song is a brand new track not included on the band’s 2020 album, The Sex, and reveals a darker side of the band, as Chris Datson (guitar), explained, “The song is about a deranged serial killer, talking through one of his murders. Musically the song is an experiment in taking our usual sleazy sound and trying to make something that is a bit more darker and sinister, whilst still feeling like it fits within our style”. The track certainly does that, with killer riffs, dynamic bass lines, pounding drums and melodic vocals. It has a hook to die for and a distinctly unsettling accompanying video (below).

24th June sees the culmination of the big collaborative project the band have been working on for a long while, with a live showing of Swine plus a set by The Big Dirty, set by White Raven Down and acoustic set by Karl Phillips, at the Picturedome, Northampton. Swine started out as a music video, but evolved into a short film with the music video for the track attached.
Swine is produced by Giant Dwarf, who also produced the Rhythm of my Drum music video for the band. Two local rappers, Tony Ceasar and Drunken Master, are involved in the collaboration and the theme is a bit of a middle finger to the mainstream business model of music and how it exploits musicians. Chris Datson has composed the film score, as well as recording and producing Swine, the track, which will be the next release after Under the Crimson Moon.
Following the release of Swine, the band will start work towards their second album. 2021 looks to be a very exciting year for The Big Dirty.

Band members:-
James Shaw (Jonny Rocket) – vocals
Chris Datson (C Diddy) – guitar
James Cutler (JC) – bass
Tobi Ripley (T Dawg) – drums