Michelle Flynn


Michelle Flynn is an integral part of the editorial team at Emerging Rock Bands, looking after ERB's online content and managing ERB Radio. For her sins, she's also responsible for the boring corporate jobs which means she has to be an adult sometimes. We do let her loose every once in a while though, mainly to cover festivals in the summer because we know she loves camping in the rain.
A long time supporter of the new rock scene, Michelle (or Shelly as many know her) has been known to show up in all corners of the UK searching for new bands and has had the pleasure of witnessing the rise of some of our brightest stars; the work done with ERB means she gets to share this pleasure with a wider audience. It is this passion for grassroots music which led to Michelle starting Rockstar PR, a PR and social media consultancy aimed squarely at bands who are trying to get their foot on the first rung of the ladder.

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