Words – Matt Plummer: The Bread Shed, Manchester ( support from Bastette and Shape Of Water) Photos – Marty Moffat: The Patriot, Crumlin (Bad Touch, Piston, The 501’s) What a bloody brilliant evening. Here ends the review. Ok, maybe I do need to write more, but to be fair, everything…

Words – Claire Hill Photos – Mac Kendrick (MK Photogrxphy) Layered up and ignoring the freezing weather, we’re excited to see the trio of emerging bands on the bill in The Alleyway, the live music venue at the back of The Cobblestones traditional pub, courtesy of Hold Tight PR. CANCEL…

The glamour continued on stage two as Bastette vocalist Caroline Eve Kenyon spun and danced across the whole stage in her PVC catsuit, without missing a note. The lights were brightened as she slowed down her…