Canadian singer-songwriter Eric Bolton has shared a powerful new video for his track Hello, Angels, taken from his upcoming album Here Between, out 14th October.
Combining vocals that “hit the sweet spot between Eddie Vedder, Michael Stipe and Chris Cornell” (Classic Rock Magazine) with soulful guitars, Hello Angels addresses the defeat felt by Eric as a queer person in the church, and the debilitated sense of self that came with that. Moody and brooding at first, the track then erupts passionately – a true reflection of Eric’s journey and ultimate destination of freedom and authenticity.
Eric comments: “This track is really is for anyone learning to fight for themselves and a brighter living. I hope it leaves a sense of excitement about life and about building a future for yourself where you thrive. There is still the reality of perhaps a negative or painful past, but it shouldn’t be the place where we stay, and the more we step into what’s right for us the more the road becomes more clear and even magnetic.”
The video concept was created by director Andy Hourahine of 519 films, who was inspired by Eric’s journey and used it as a metaphorical basis for the storyline of the video. He came up with the beautiful imagery of a feather to represent identity and uniqueness. A young boy (played by Nolan Mailloux) is the main character of the film. He comes from a tough family situation but has his outlet in his art. As he walks through town throughout the video, he keeps seeing people happy and thriving in what they do, all carrying their own feathers – their own power in identity. The boy gradually increasingly uplifted throughout his journey to the point of even helping empower others to step further into themselves too.

The track gives us a glimpse of what we can expect from the Eric’s highly anticipated debut album Here Between, which poignantly explores a large chapter of growth and transition for Eric. The album is released on all streaming services on October 14th 2022.
Eric Bolton is a Canadian singer-songwriter performing as a solo act, with an accompanying band, and also as the frontman of rock group, Shy Harry.
In 2020 Eric released his debut single as a solo artist, Genesis (Let There Be Love), followed by The Home Light, which soon after received the coveted title of Classic Rock Magazine’s ‘Track of the Week’ and a ‘Hot List’ feature in the printed magazine.
With a Canadian tour locked in for Autumn 2022 and plans underway to tour the UK and beyond in 2023, expect to be hearing (and seeing!) a lot more of Eric, very soon!
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